Are You Ready for Church Planning Season?
Getting Your Ministry Ready for 2018
We are almost into the third quarter of the year and most churches are starting to think about their planning for next year.
There are only 4 months left until next year.
Are you ready for it?
Will you repeat the planning process you used last year or were you thinking of using something else?
Either way, we rounded up this list of resources that you could find helpful in your planning season.
Approaching it in a right way…
When we start off with a big project like doing planning for the next season in church it is easy to jump in and start doing, instead of being intentional with the process and considering what we want to achieve with the effort we are about to put in. Read Four Elements of Effective Church Planning to guide you with the overall process.
Different resources for different sized churches
- Developing a Strategic Plan for Your Church — What to do — and what not to do. This article covers a few relevant questions and areas you can cover in your planning for any sized church.
- 4 Steps to Church Strategic Planning — A four step process for smaller churches, just starting out with planning.
- For bigger churches we suggest is Patrick Lencioni’s book The Advantage. It is a business resource, but works well in any organisation. It provides a clear way forward for bigger churches that have grown beyond the small team to an organisation with different departments and teams that need alignment and clarity. If you go to The Table Group’s website they have free resources linking with the book available.
In your plan and calendar for the next year, remember to add in dates for progress reviews and recap of the plan. Many times we plan, but never come back to properly execute — planning is the means, not the end!
Do you have an effective way of planning that works for your church? Why not share it with other administrators in the comments?
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