Church administration is a Calling, not a Job.

3 min readMar 6, 2023


As a church administrator, your role is more than just a job — it’s a calling from God to serve and lead others with excellence. Bill Easum famously said, “Church administration is a calling, not a job,” and it’s a reminder that managing the operations of a church is a sacred responsibility that requires our best efforts.

The role of a church administrator is a challenging one, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. I remember a time when our church was facing financial difficulties, and I was tasked with finding a solution. Through prayer and perseverance, we were able to turn things around and come out even stronger. This experience taught me the importance of trusting in God’s guidance and relying on the support of the church community.

As church administrators, we are responsible for overseeing many aspects of the church’s operations, including finances, facilities, personnel, and events. We must be organized, detail-oriented, and able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. You also need to have strong communication skills and be able to work collaboratively with other members of the church leadership team.

While the job can be stressful at times, it is also an opportunity to serve the church and make a positive impact on people’s lives. With dedication and hard work, a church administrator can help their church thrive and grow.

The Bible teaches us that serving the church is a calling. In 1 Peter 4:10–11, it says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” We are called to use our talents and abilities to serve others and glorify God. Pursuing excellence in church administration honours God and inspires and motivates others to do their best in service to Him.

In Colossians 3:23–24, it says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Your work as a church administrator is not just for the benefit of your congregation, but ultimately for the glory of God. Strive for excellence in every aspect of your work, from managing finances and resources to leading teams and programs. Pursuing excellence not only honours God but also creates a culture of diligence, commitment, and growth in the church community.

You are responsible for managing the resources of the church, including time, money, and people, and it’s a sacred responsibility to be a good steward of these resources. In Matthew 20:26–28, Jesus teaches us that leadership is about serving others. He says, “But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” As a church administrator, you have the opportunity to serve others and make a difference in their lives.

Church administration is a divine calling that requires us to serve and lead with excellence. By pursuing excellence, we can honour God, inspire others, and create a culture of excellence in the church community. Let’s approach our role with dedication and purpose, focusing on the needs of others and seeking to make a positive impact in their lives.

Through your work as a church administrator, you can serve your congregation and glorify God.

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